Saturday, June 26, 2010

Removing stubborn blackheads?

I have blackheads on my face and body. Blackhead tape works ok on my face but not on my body. Is there a product that can remove the most stubborn, long term blackheads? Most products seem to be aimed at preventing future blackheads rather than removing exisiting ones.Removing stubborn blackheads?
GLOWlad !


and get the easiest answer to your difficult questionRemoving stubborn blackheads?
This should help. Rub oatmeal paste on face,leave it to dry for 15 minutes and scrub well before washing off with cold water. Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.
This sight has a whole bunch of cool stuff.
consult a plastic surgeon. they do dermabrasion therapy to remove long stubbern black heads. it is a simple opd procedure.
  • hair growth
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