Friday, December 11, 2009

Persistent blackheads on upper back and shoulders?

I have the worst blackheads covering my shoulders, upper back, and on and along my collarbone. I've tried every treatment and lotion but nothing has helped. I even changed my diet to eat only skin-healthy foods, have started taking a powerful multivitamin daily as well as fish oil supplements, and drink only water all day long, usually 10-15 eight ounce cups.

In the shower I let hot water open the pores, then scrape off the blackheads/clogged pores with my fingernail/washcloth, then use a blackhead scrub. When I get out of the shower I use an anti-oil astringent, followed by apple cider vinegar/water toner, and finish by applying tea tree lotion. This helps for about 8 hours before the blackheads start reappearing.

I'm going on spring break in a month and a half and would so much love to have improved skin by then. All dermatologists in my area are backed up til May so that's not an option at this point (and I've never had much success with them in the past). Is there anything I can add/change to my regimen to possibly see better results?Persistent blackheads on upper back and shoulders?
Blackheads are caused by actual dirt. Whiteheads are caused by oil and pus. It wouldn't make sense that blackheads keep reappearing, I'm wondering if what you are seeing is actually clogged pores due to oil that then are tinted by rubbing on your clothes?

Either way, you may be doing overkill with the products. Basically, when you strip your skin by using any alcohol based product, which I would guess would be in the scrub and astringent, possibly lotion too, the skin goes into panic mode. It signals that it is being dried out and MUST start producing more oil. So then it goes into overdrive.

All of these products may actually be what is causing your problems. Here is what I would suggest you do for 2 weeks, 2x/day, with nothing else. Mix 1/4 cup distilled water with 10 drops of tea tree essential oil and 5 drops of rosemary essential oil (keep in tightly sealed container under the sink in the dark).

Use a rough washcloth and dip it in the solution, then scrub at your problem areas. Check your skin afterwards and make sure you have no blackheads showing, really take time to clear them all. Wear something light colored or a tank top to leave your shoulders open would be best to help rule out possible darkening of the oils.

This should help clear it up and allow your skin to heal...a dermatoligist doesn't have an easy answer, like you take a pill and heal yourself of problems...doctors are just people too and sometimes the best solution is to simplify to figure out the problem, not try to cure it with an easy fix :)Persistent blackheads on upper back and shoulders?
go to a dermatogolist. seriously, if its giving you that much trouble after all that. go see a GOOD one

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